The Blame Game is pretty simple yet powerful to experience what different reward system can do to a group. In the game a group builds a house of cards and uses two different reward systems for making progress. On collaborative where the whole group wins, when a card is added or looses, when the house falls apart. Erwin suggests in his blog (1) to play different rounds with the same group but changing reward systems. We modified the rules, so that one group used the collaborative and another the competitive reward scheme without knowing about the other and played several rounds with each group - round ending when card house collapsed.

Insights: It was good to have at least two groups play independently and more than one round with the same rewarding scheme. It would be interesting to play for a longer period of time and see how this changes behavior in the group. Then use story telling for the debriefing and try to find frameworks to make sense of what happened. I would limit the building ground to force card houses to grow higher but not add any other constraint for building to allow for maximum creativity. Would be interesting to play with additional challenges, like beauty contest of card houses or even add a Product Owner to tweak the goal axe of the game. Sad, that we missed to systematically capture the house designs to use in debriefing. If there are many people at the Agile Game Lab I would ask people to act as observers, interesting to hear their voice in the debriefing too. And last but not least Blame Game makes good use of all the branded planning poker cards that we don't need anymore.
(1) Blame Game, http://erronis.nl/2012/09/05/the-blame-game/
(2) Game Incubator http://submit2011.agilealliance.org/files/session_pdfs/Agile%20Game%20Incubator-agile2011.pdf
(3) Agile Games Night by Agile Holland http://www.meetup.com/agileholland/events/65003632/
(4) From The Competitive Imperative of Learning, Amy C. Edmondson, HBR 7/8, 2008, p. 60 - 66
The Blame Game is pretty simple yet powerful to experience what different reward system can do to a group. In the game a group builds a house of cards and uses two different reward systems for making progress. On collaborative where the whole group wins, when a card is added or looses, when the house falls apart. Erwin suggests in his blog (1) to play different rounds with the same group but changing reward systems. We modified the rules, so that one group used the collaborative and another the competitive reward scheme without knowing about the other and played several rounds with each group - round ending when card house collapsed.
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